Products we will be buying 10 years from now

Sometimes it feels like I’m the only one who is both terrified and giddy about the future. On one hand, the populations are ever increasing as waste gets made, and yet we’re getting environmentally more intelligent as well. I am fascinated looking back on just 10 or 20 years ago when we didn’t have Netflix, Alexa, or even same-day shipping. Technology moves incredibly fast. With a culture of more is always better, innovative companies are scrambling to keep up with the growing demand. Amazon is one of those companies that perpetually expands, it seems. With Jeff Bazos, the owner of Amazon, now surpassing Bill Gates are the richest person in the world, it’s no wonder that they’re coming up with more innovative ideas that will change the landscape of consumerism. Let’s take a look!

VR Vacations

As if my life isn’t already sad enough, VR vacations may be a thing in the future. According to a former Apple executive, and futurist, we can expect VR to become a part of the consumer culture. VR is the obsession of Silicon Valley at the moment. They predict that we will be able to pay to visit the top of Everest, or to ride a 50 ft. wave. Want a tesla? You will be able to test drive it, right from the comfort of your home. “Ready player One”, anyone?

A whole New World of Rx Drugs

Prescription drugs are a HUGE money maker, especially in the US, so of course Amazon wants a piece of the pie. With people living longer than any other generations of the past, the need for vitamins, supplements, and prescription meds will be available. Not only that, they think they will be able to have them 3D printed, and even specified doses exactly to your needs. We’re still very far off from this reality, but it’s something I never even considered in the realm of possibilities.

Smarter than Smart TV’s

Amazon has stepped up its entertainment sector by creating Amazon Studios, which created multiple hit shows. What Amazon wants to move into though, are the televisions they’re viewed on. TV’s are a relatively simplistic device. Will the future of entertainment be interactive? Holographic? Will it even have a screen at all or will it work as a 3D projection? As an avid television watcher because I can’t afford even fake VR vacations, I’m excited about this one.

Wearable Technology

Remember Google glass? It was bulky, and looked really douchey. In the tech industry, this is considered the Holy Grail. Engineers have an obsession with streamlining everything into a single device, or very few. Gone will be the days of having pockets filled with separate items such as keys and credit cards. Hopefully (or not hopefully, depending on how you think about it) it will be interactive clothing, or contacts. Yes, like minority report. Creepy!

I don’t know how I feel about all these changes, and which ones will actually become a reality. We like to think that these things move slowly, but we already have 3D printing for ORGANS, for gods sakes! What do you think is the most plausible futuristic invention? Comment below!