We beg of you – Hire a Professional!

I try hard in these blogs to not make it seem like we’re begging for customers to come knocking on our doors. Nor do we want to sound like we’re taking advantage of beginners in this industry. We want to give truly good advice to up and coming inventors, because our owner has been in their exact shoes. He knows the hustle involved, the money needed, and the connections that are required to form and evolve to create a successful product and business. Through trial and error, and over 28 years of ups and downs in the industry, he’s made a name for himself.  Nowadays, passing along knowledge and experience is a part of his business, as well as his expertise. I say all this to preface this: for the love of all that is divine and holy, even if it’s someone else- hire a professional.

There are so many misleading companies and advice that gets thrown around all Willy nilly on the internet that we would never suggest to our partners. We want success for your product just as much as you do! And that’s a personal touch you will not get with these “Invention factories” that don’t care as much about you as they do the bottom line. We work with the person’s vision, so that they maintain complete ownership over their ideas. We are simply there to assist in that process, and to plug them into the correct people and channels.

If you’re just starting out, chances are that you don’t have thousands of dollars lying around to use as you see fit. This causes some to go it on their own, making many mistakes that end up costing them MORE in the long run. We want to avoid that by spending each and every penny towards a forward goal. That can be used for prototypes, marketing, engineering, design, analytics, and all the things that combine into the completed project. The moving parts are intricate, specialized, and incredibly hard to learn, let alone for a single person.

Some would say that they have a niece who does logos, or a cousin twice removed who can create a CAD drawing or a website for the product. That’s all great and well, until you realize that they aren’t the quality you were anticipating, and you have an awkward moment of hurt feelings. With professionals, nothing and everything is personal. We want you to come through as much as possible, with the clean refinement of an experienced staff – and no hurt feelings! We simply want the best outcome.

So if you’re considering hiring us – great! Ask us for a free consultation and we can see where you’re at, and where you want to go. If you want to find another company that’s a better fit for your needs, you do you, boo. Bottom line is that we want the best outcome for all parties involved. So what are you waiting for? Drop us a line and let’s see if we’re a fit!