Invention Improvements that should exist!

Do you ever sit in your home or apartment struggling to do a small task and think, “Someone should really make this easier?” The truth is that I don’t have an inventing bone in my body, but I am a creative type. I’m more apt at going around judging how something looks or functions, with no indication of how something actually works. Maybe the inventive brains reading this could come up with a solution to things that I think need a major overhaul. Here’s what I’m thinking:

Fit-all lids for Tupperware

I mean, Tupperware has been around since the 60s, and we still haven’t found some way of universally tying these shapes and sizes into products we can interchange. My money is on the competitiveness of brands trying to secure you in only purchasing their sets so your Tupperware only completes itself by buying more of their brand. I suppose that makes sense. However, if someone would come up with some type of universal top (that’s more secure and stackable than foil or seran wrap), that would be great.

Universal Power plugs

When you visit different countries, there seems to be a different outlet for nearly every country. Why on Earth can we not come up with some standardized way of creating a universal plug and outlet? I understand that energy resources are different from country to country, but having to buy an adapter for just travelling abroad for a few weeks seems like a waste of money and space in your carry on. Perhaps all of this is just a ploy to get us to buy, buy, and buy. I wouldn’t put it past the capitalistic mindset.

Durable Road Materials

If you’re unaware, America’s infrastructure is crumbling at an alarming rate. It’s something that so rarely discussed as a problem in this country, that the budget gets lowered or even eliminated without us even realizing it. Bridges are either ignored for regular maintenance, or potholes go un-filled, creating millions of dollars in damages to cars each year. We desperately need a material better than asphalt, a notoriously unstable material, to combat this problem. Anyone?

Ziploc Cereal Bags

You know that moment when you open the bag inside the box and cereal goes flying everywhere? How about when you try to seal it back up with that half-assed “roll” that you’re praying doesn’t let it go stale? Why on earth Kellogg hasn’t splurged on a re-sealable bag, I will never understand. I would pay an extra dollar per box for it, honestly, just because I know my cereal investments will last longer! I’m Just saying.

High Speed Trains in the US

I have written about speed trains that are popping up in China, but not in the United States. Strange, since the States are so vast, and airports are some of the most congested in the world. Not only would the speed be just slightly slower than a plane, but it would be much cheaper, more leg room, and much more safe. I have taken regular trains before when I wasn’t in a rush to get somewhere, and they were lovely. Tons of space to read, sleep, and work. Again, it was much nicer to my wallet, and the ability to walk around freely at any time was a joy. No more claustrophobic air tubes for me.  Maybe we need to have a larger population like China until we become more serious about our transportation issues.

A-la-carte Cable Channels

I remember the joy in my heart when Netflix became a thing. Gone were the days of paying for cable, I can just watch TV and movies on one subscription, right? 2008 me was so naïve. Then came Hulu, great! What I didn’t get with Netflix, I now got on Hulu. Then Amazon Prime came out, well, I already have prime, might as well! Then HBO, Apple tv, Youtube Red, and most recently, Disney +! Too many! And each one has raised prices steadily over the years. No thank you. Why can’t there be a way to select certain providers and channels to consolidate into one bill? Money, that’s why!

What are some things you think should exist, but don’t or won’t yet? Comment below, I’m curious!