One of the main reasons that people create inventions in the first place is to make human life easier for us all. With a creative mind, inventors observe a problem and attempt to solve it in the most elegant way possible.  This should all be a good thing, right? Making life too easy can result in a lot of problems, such as chronic depression, obesity, and lack of motivation in other areas of their life. The important rule is this: When it comes to the small stuff, I think it’s safe to say that the lazier, the better. In this case, the funnier. Let’s take a look at some inventions that are for the true lazy at heart. Here we go!

The Motorized Ice-cream Cone

Tired of the pain-staking task of having to actually move your wrists to lick the side of your ice cream cone? Us too – which is why you can get the cone that turns FOR YOU! For the immensely lazy person who just looks at ice cream like “who has the time and effort?!” Best for lazy summer nights.

Banana Slicer

Who has the time of 30 seconds to cut up a banana when you’re hungry right NOW?! Each slice is like a knife score to my lazy heart when I think about it. Now, with one swift motion, you can have your entire banana bite-size ready! The Banana Slicer takes all the drudgery out of preparing this time-honored snack!


Love sandwiches but hate all the prep that goes into making it? It’s a pain having to get the Bread, the knife to spread the peanut butter, AND the jelly. Just typing it is making me exhausted thinking of preparing this meal. What am I, some world-class chef?! Sandwich-In-A-Can is just that – a sandwich in a can. Simply open and eat!

The Pet Petter

Tired of all the arm strength that goes into petting your cat or dog when you get home after a grueling day at the office? Pet Petter takes that drudgery out of your life! Rechargeable, and with multiple petting settings, this ensures you’ll never have to strain your arms again to give the love and attention your pet deserves!

Remote Control Bottle Opener Device

I think the worst thing imaginable for a lazy person is to get up from the couch once you’ve settled in for the night. Imagine having your ice-cold beer and your favorite show ready to begin, and you realize that the darn thing isn’t a twist off. What are you going to do, get up like a PEASANT?! Now, you can use the remote control bottle opener to save your precious calorie burning for another day – or year.

Prism Glasses

The worst chore I can think of besides getting up from the couch is picking up my fat head with my weak neck when I have to watch a show, read, or scroll through my phone. Now, I can (literally) rest easy knowing that these prism glasses will adjust the angle for me. No more picking up my book, or having to adjust my body to accommodate the objects, instead of the other way around. I’m not trying to have washboard abs over here!

Pouring Device

Ever have to lift those HEAVY jugs of milk to pour into your glass? It’s a NIGHTMARE! Does it seem like I’m the hulk, with some type of Gold’s Gym membership? Am I trying to win some strong man competition? Absolutely not. This pouring device is the ease in easy street. No more aching muscles or spilled beverage on the counters or floors. Can you imagine having to clean up? Rude, and unnecessary.

Sock Chute

Bending down to put on your socks is up there with having to do the gymnastics routine in the Olympics for me. With the sock chute, you can simply slide your foot right in, and it does the rest for you! I can’t imagine a world where we are subjected to having to put on or off our own socks!

What are some lazy inventions that you know of? Share them in the comments below!