Why Design is Necessary

We often get comments from prospective clients who say that they’ve already designed their logo themselves, or they had a friend help them with a drawing for their product. While is all well and good, at times it can be below the quality needed to place your best foot forward. Designers are specifically trained to make you and your product look at presentable as possible for investors, customers, and vendors alike. If you think you’re saving money by cutting this corner, you’re sorely mistaken. Saving a few dollars in the beginning could really hinder your product reaching its full potential. It’s hard for people to take something seriously that doesn’t have a serious design attached to it. Here are some design requests to consider.


Logos are a simple symbol to represent your product at a glance. It’s importance cannot be understated in that it’s truly how people judge a book by it’s cover, which is unfortunately just how the world works. We suggest hiring a graphic designer, or using the one in-house at the invention company you’re working with.

Sell sheets

Sell sheets are just that. A single sheet with all the aspects of the product that it can bring to the vendor and consumer is just what you need to get started. This is typically after you have the logo completed so you can organize and display all the advantages of using YOUR product, as opposed to another.


Everyone nowadays has a website, and for a good reason. It’s been noted that about half of all online sales are through a phone. A strong, professional website presence can make or break sales. If your website is outdated, or not well thought out, it can frustrate the buyer, resulting in a loss of sale.


Emails are a great way of targeting audiences and sending prospective buyers a glimpse of what your product can do for them. This has more freedom and creative flexibility than a sell sheet, but serves a similar purpose. You want to captivate the viewer and draw them in in a way that evokes them to investigate further.


Payed social media ads, or targeted website ads can be really effective in getting people with similar searches in the line of view of your product. Ads have about 3 seconds of attention time, which means you need a really strong and striking design to draw them in. Because this costs money, you want the most from your investments, and professional is the only way to go, in my opnion.

In conclusion, Art is WORTH IT. Factor it into your budget, along with marketing and you have a recipe for success!